
Friday, July 26, 2013

Our School Room (and Kitchen/Dining Room/Office/Mud Room)

Like many homeschoolers, we do not have the space to have a room dedicated to only schooling. Our eat-in kitchen serves also as our office and school room, and mud room of sorts, since the back door is in the middle of it all!  I managed to clean it all up over the summer and start to organize for the new school year.  I quickly took some pictures before it got messed up!  

Here are 4 pictures taken from the 4 corners of our kitchen.  

One wall is our "office" where the computer and shelves hold our office things.  I also keep some craft supplies that I use often for school or projects on the shelves.  Cookbooks are here, as well as curriculum.

We are trying workboxes this year. I bought the pink and blue drawers from Christmas Tree Shops for $6.99.  The brand is Bella Storage Solutions. You can also find them at Kmart sometimes, though I've only seen the colored ones at CTS. Anyway, each child has three of their own and three shared for subjects we do together. 

This was our school table last year, however I have since moved it to the basement and we do school at the big table.  The kids have chairs on which they can rest their feet while writing.  I'd still rather have them at a table that fits their size, but it's the next best thing. 

The china cabinet doubles as school space. The magnetic white board is used for Calendar and hundreds chart. Everythings on magnets so it can easily be removed for writing space on the board.